Hi Wor(l)d!

Welcome to my first blog!

I’m very grateful for so many things in life, one of which is the experience of what it was like when the internet was new and the excitement we felt by hitting the enter key to connect with the whole wide world web.

Many years later I’m finally starting my first blog, as a fresh retiree. Why? Well, why not? I’m not interested in monetizing anything, I’d love to be able to share my interests and insights and hear about interests and insights from people all over the world.

My first blog entry will be (especially) for people I know, appreciate, find fascinating, and love (at least some of them, others I like): it’s the fairytale part of an invitation to my retirement party … Once upon a time …

Coming soon(er) or later:

Von Koblenz nach Koblenz or how to celebrate rites de passage serendipitously

Warum haben wir bisher nur ein einziges Mal Silvester im Lichtermeer gefeiert und warum wieder Ende 2024?

Other topics on the horizon: Spanish paradores, memories and diaries.

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